Lunar Events

Lunar Events

Lunar Events of 2024

Full Moons

New Moons

Equinoxes & Solstices

Wolf Moon - January 25th, 12:54

Wolf Moon -  January 11th, 06:57 


Snow Moon - February 24th, 07:30

Snow Moon - February 9th, 17:59


Worm Moon - March 25th, 03:00

Worm Moon - March 10th, 04:00

Spring Equinox - March 19th, 23:06

Pink Moon - April 23rd, 19:49

Pink Moon - April 8th, 14:21


Flower Moon - May 23rd, 09:53

Flower Moon - May 7th, 23:22


Strawberry Moon - June 21st, 21:08

Strawberry Moon - June 6th, 08:38

Summer Solstice - June 20th, 16:51

Buck Moon - July 21st, 06:17

Buck Moon - July 5th, 18:57


Sturgeon Moon - August 19ht, 14:26 

Sturgeon Moon- August 4th, 07:13


Harvest Moon - September 17th, 22:34

Harvest Moon - September 2nd, 21:55

Autumn Equinox - September 22nd, 08:43

Hunter’s Moon - October 17th, 07:26

Hunter’s Moon - October 2nd,  14:49


Beaver Moon - November 15th, 16:28

Beaver Moon - November 1st, 07:47


Cold Moon - December 15th, 04:02

Cold Moon - December 1st, 01:21 Wolf Moon - December 30th, 17:27

Winter Solstice - December 21st, 04:19


also known as Amavasya in Sanskrit -  marks the end of a lunar month phase and the of another - the Moon is dark and doesn't reflect the light of the Sun. All past emotions, patterns and thoughts are burned together with the New Moon. On this day, it’s important to soothe your mind and ground yourself while reinstating mind-body connections. Try to keep calm and observe all the processes from the outside, stepping aside from the hustle and bustle of life and any external things. Use this time to cleanse your mind and body both figuratively and physically. Meditate, clean, rest, & reset.

Full Moon:

also known as Purnima in Sanskrit - marks the fullest illumination of the Moon in a lunar month phase - the Moon is aligned exactly with the Sun and the Earth in a way that reflects the Sun's light on the surface of the moon. On this day, it is important to do things that are meaningful and fulfilling. Pay attention to the emotional world, practice mindfulness and delve deep into your sense of self. Learn, grow, listen, support, & be creative.

Spring Equinox:

also known as the Vernal Equinox - is the first day of spring - a day where light and dark are equal. Ostara is an ancient name for this day. This is a day to celebrate growth, balance, fertility, and new life. Cold winter days are coming to an end and the time to begin and create is near. This is the moment to focus on releasing the things that have been holding you back. 

Summer Solstice:

also known as Midsummer or Litha - is the mark of the longest day and shortest night of the year. The seeds planted during Ostara have reached their maturity. It is the moment to revel in the fruits of your labor. This is a time to celebrate power, abundance, and warmth while anticipating the longer nights ahead. 

Autumn Equinox:

also known as Mabon - is the first day of autumn - the second day of the year where light and dark are equal. This is the time to harvest and reap the rewards while reflecting on your successes and failures. Nature and growth start to wane and the moment of balance, gratitude, and preparation is upon us. 

Winter Solstice:

also known as the Hibernal Solstice or Yule - is mark of the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This is the moment to rest, reflect, and settle in for the coming colder days. Take this time to spend with family, favor memories, and relax with the anticipation of the coming warmth and light.